
Composer (Genre) Title Metersort descending Tempo Bars Length Exercise Rhythm
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 110 32 :41 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 58 8 :41 3/4 Tendu Moderato 6/8
(Children's Class) Frere Jacques 4/4 65 16 :41 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 107 16 :41 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 120 16 :41 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
(Children's Class) How Much is That Doggy in the Window? 3/4 55 32 :41 Leg Swing, 3/4 Tendu Moderato Waltz