
Composer (Genre) Title Meter Temposort descending Bars Length Exercise Rhythm
Verdi from la Traviata (mazurka) 3/4 (9/8) 45 64 1:24 Mazurka Mazurka
Puccini (Italian songs) Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme 3/4 45 32 :52 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") 4/4 45 8 :48 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Strauss, J Tresor Waltz 3/4 60 32 :36 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 60 16 :44 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Strauss, J Strauss Tresor waltz 60bpm 3/4 60 32
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 70 32 1:02 Grand battement, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 70 32 1:05 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Romance 4/4 70 64 2:00 4/4 Tendu, 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 70 16 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 80 16 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Variation V from Pas de Trois 2/4 80 32 :54 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) Two Gypsies and I Don't Love You 3/4 80 64 :52 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 80 32 :57 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 80 64 :53 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 90 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in Eb 2/4 90 32 :49 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 90 32 :50 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Glazunov scene IV: Raymonda's entry 6/8 (2/4) 90 64 :44 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Landler (Polonaise) in D 3/2 98 32 1:04 Polonaise Polonaise
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 100 32 1:22 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 100 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in Bm 2/4 100 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 100 32 :45 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Glazunov scene IV: Raymonda's entry 2/4 100 32 :23 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 110 64 :47 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 110 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Asafiev Flames of Paris Variation II 2/4 110 32 :41 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Hamdel Sarabande 3/4 120 32 Plie Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 120 64 2:20 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 120 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 120 32 1:14 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 120 :53 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Military March 4/4 (12/8) 120 16 :36 Grand battement March
Beethoven (Daiku) Ode to Joy (Swingin') 4/4 120 32 1:12 Degage & Frappe March
Minkus le Corsaire: Coda 4/4 132 16 :32 Degage & Frappe, 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) Coda
Minkus le Corsaire: Coda 4/4 132 32 1:03 Degage & Frappe, 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) Coda
Tchaikowski Swan Lake pas de trois: Variation III 2/4 105 32 :43 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation 2 2/4 105 16 :40 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Albeniz (Spanish and Latin) Tango in D 4/4 105 32 1:15 Degage & Frappe, Tango Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine real Variation 2 6/8 (2/4) 128 32 :42 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 128 32 :42 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 137 :47 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Chopin Chopin Butterfly faster 2/4 102 32
Tchaikowski Swan Lake pas de trois: Variation III 2/4 85 32 :53 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 112 32 1:15 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 61 32 1:11 Grand battement, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Schubert Landlers in A & D 3/4 41 64 1:46 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Brahms three Waltzes (G#m, Ab, E) 3/4 34 =105 96 3:49 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato Waltz
Britten Mazurka 3/4 (9/8) 47 =141 32 :42 Mazurka Mazurka
Bizet Carmen: This Flower that Once to Me You Gave 4/4 69 16 1:03 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 69 16 :40 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Brahms Waltz in Bm 3/4 81 32 :28 Quick 3/4 Quick 3/4
Glazunov Raymonda: Men's Variation III 4/4 (12/8) 63 16 :33 Grand battement March
Brahms Waltz in Bm 3/4 63 32 :33 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Adam Myrta's 3rd dance 3/4 73 64 :58 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Brahms Waltz in Bm 3/4 73 32 :33 Leg Swing, Quick 3/4 Quick 3/4
Schubert Waltz (Mazurka) in Bm 3/4 (9/8) 48 32 :42 Mazurka Mazurka
Minkus la Bayadere: G Waltz Variation 3 3/4 48 64 1:25 Rond de Jambe a terre, Rond de Jambe en l'air, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Schubert Landler in Bb 3/4 48 32 :47 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Strauss, R Rosenkavalier 3/4 48 64 1:25 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Schubert Landlers in D 3/4 48 32 1:29 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Schumann About Strange Lands and People 3/4 48 64 1:26 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Brahms Waltz in Em 3/4 48 32 :45 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato Waltz
Glazunov Raymonda: pas Classique Hongrois 4/4 40 16 1:41 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Schubert Landlers in D 3/4 40 32 1:44 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Schubert Serenade 3/4 (9/8) 40 32 :57 Rond de Jambe a terre, Mazurka Moderato Waltz
Schumann Roundelay 3/4 40 32 1:43 3/4 Tendu, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Puccini (Italian songs) Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme 3/4 40 32 :57 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Schubert Landler in D 3/4 40 32 :56 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Tchaikowski Noel (December) 3/4 40 32 :53 Plie Moderato Waltz
Brahms Waltz in Em 3/4 40 32 :54 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato Waltz
Brahms Waltz in G#m 2x 3/4 35 (=105) 64 2:00 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato Waltz
Brahms Waltz in G#m 3/4 35 (=105) 32 1:03 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato Waltz
Tchaikowski Swan Lake pas de trois: Variation III 2/4 95 32 :48 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Landler (Polonaise) in Bb 3/2 95 32 Polonaise Polonaise
Tchaikowski Variation V from Pas de Trois 2/4 95 32 :45 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 95 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Gounod Faust: Variations du Miroir 2/4 155 32 :55 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Variation V from Pas de Trois 2/4 65 32 1:06 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 65 16 1:10 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 62 32 1:19
Schubert Landler in D 3/4 36 32 1:04 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Smetana Polka in E 2/4 67 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 66 32 1:05 Grand battement, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 66 32 1:15
Tchaikowski Variation V from Pas de Trois 2/4 72 32 1:00 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Brahms Brahms Bm waltz brighter AA 4between 3/4 72 32
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 56 32 1:14 Grand battement, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Schubert Landler in Ab 3/4 56 32 :40 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Tcherepnin Paquita: solo 3 123 2/4 56 32 1:09 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus DonQ Ab waltz 56bpm AB bright 3/4 56 32 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Smetana Polka in E 2/4 59 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 59 32 1:23
Lehar the Merry Widow: Waltz in G 3/4 42 64 1:35 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Puccini Gianni Schicchi 42bpm waltzy 2x 3/4 42 64
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") 4/4 42 16 1:36 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Noel (December) 3/4 42 64 1:31 Plie Moderato Waltz
Chopin Nocturne in Eb (2x) 3/4 30 128 4:27 Plie, 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Chopin Nocturne in Eb 3/4 34 64 2:12 Plie, 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Adam Odette's variation 2 from act 2 3/4 34 32 1:08 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Adam Odette's variation 2 from act 2 3/4 34 64 2:02 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Delibes Lakme 2x 3/4 34 64 1:58 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Glazunov Raymonda: Adagio 3/4 "Scene Mimique" 4/4 (12/8) 34 16 2:02 Rond de Jambe a terre, Rond de Jambe en l'air, 3/4 Adagio, Little Jump Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Schubert Landler in D 3/4 47 32 :50 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Wagner Tannhauser: Oh, Star of Eve! 3/4 35 64 2:01 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Schubert Landler in D no.29 3/4 35 32 1:03 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Adam Odette's variation 2 from act 2 TAKE2 3/4 35 64 2:01 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Puccini (Italian songs) Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme 3/4 35 32 1:06 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Helsted Flower Festival: Waltz 3/4 43 32 1:35 Rond de Jambe a terre, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Schubert Ecossaise in Eb 2/4 75 32 1:02 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 75 16 1:00 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 75 16 :57 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Swan Lake pas de trois: Variation III 2/4 75 32 1:00 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in Db 2/4 58 64 1:22 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tcherepnin Paquita: solo 3 2/4 58 32 1:17 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 77 16 :35 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 150 64 1:52 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 150 32 :59 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Minkus Don Quixote: Coda 4/4 130 32 1:05 Degage & Frappe, 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) Coda
Minkus le Corsaire: Coda 4/4 130 32 1:02 Degage & Frappe, 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) Coda
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 127 :51 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 140 8 1:03 Degage & Frappe Rag
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 140 16 2:03 Degage & Frappe Rag
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine Variation 2 technique class 6/8 (2/4) 140 32 :39 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine real Variation 2 6/8 (2/4) 140 32 :39 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Strauss, J Tresor Waltz 3/4 64 32 :34 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Minkus Don Quixote: Men's Variation I 3/4 64 32 1:02 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Bizet Carmen: This Flower that Once to Me You Gave 4/4 68 32 1:05 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Brahms Brahms Bm waltz bright AA 3/4 68 32
Tcherepnin Paquita: solo 3 138 2/4 68 32 1:01 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Humoresque 2/4 96 32 1:25 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Wagner Tannhauser: Oh, Star of Eve! 3/4 37 64 1:55 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Dalby Walz 4 3/4 37 64 1:47 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Schubert Landlers in D 3/4 37 32 1:56 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Granados (Spanish and Latin) Spanish Dance 3/4 37 64 1:56 Rond de Jambe a terre, 3/4 Adagio Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Puccini O Mio Babbino Caro 37 64 2:05 Plie, Rond de Jambe en l'air, 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Delibes Mazurka act 1 2x 3/4 (9/8) 38 32 :57 Mazurka Mazurka
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 84 16 :54 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 84 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine Variation 2 technique class 6/8 (2/4) 125 32 :39 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Gounod Faust: Variations du Miroir 2/4 125 32 1:09 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Glazunov Raymonda: pas Classique Hongrois 4/4 31 16 2:13 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Gounod Faust: Let Me Gaze on the Vision Before Me 3/4 31 32 1:14 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 116 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 116 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Lehar the Merry Widow: Waltz in F 3/4 53 64 1:19 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Schubert Landlers in A & D 3/4 55 64 1:08 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Tchaikowski Men's Variation 4 from Pas de Trois 6/8 (2/4) 55 32 1:23
Smetana Polka in E 2/4 55 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 135 64 2:04 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine Variation 2 technique class 6/8 (2/4) 135 32 :39 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") (Reggae) 4/4 (12/8) 135 32 1:06 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Gounod Faust: Variations du Miroir 2/4 135 32 1:04 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 106 32 1:19 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation 2 2/4 107 32 1:20 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 94 32 1:28 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Smetana Polka in C 2/4 94 32 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 94 16 :48 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Landlers in D 3/4 32 32 2:10 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 122 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
xshort Variation 2/4 91 8 :24 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Glazunov Db 6/8 (2/4) 71 8 :32 Leg Swing, Grand battement Quick 3/4
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 103 64 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Lehar the Merry Widow in G 3/4 50 64 1:22 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Brahms Brahms Bm waltz heavier AA 3/4 50 32 Moderato Waltz
Schubert Landler in Ab 3/4 50 32 :52 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderate 3/4 and 6/8
Puccini (Italian songs) Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme 3/4 50 32 :47 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 113 :56 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 115 8 :21 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Gounod Faust: Variations du Miroir 2/4 115 32 1:15 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Variation V from Pas de Trois 2/4 88 32 :49 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in Bm 2/4 88 32 :48 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Landler in Ab 3/4 54 32 :40 3/4 Tendu Moderato Waltz
Schubert Serenade 3/4 (9/8) 51 32 :46 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Moderato Waltz
Smetana Polka in E 2/4 76 64 4/4 Tendu Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Adam Myrta's 3rd dance 3/4 76 32 :54 Leg Swing, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Adam Myrta's 3rd dance 3/4 76 16 :29 Leg Swing, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Variation 10 Adagio in Bm 3/4 25 32 1:28 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Czerny Bb little jump from Etudes ballet 6/8 (2/4) 134 32 :57 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine real Variation 2 6/8 (2/4) 134 32 :40 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 145 32 1:01 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Gounod Faust: Variations du Miroir 2/4 145 32 :59 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 164 8 :54 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 164 16 1:45 Degage & Frappe Reel
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 180 16 1:36 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 180 32 :49 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 180 32 147 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 180 32 147 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 180 8 :49 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 190 32 141 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 190 32 :46 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 190 32 141 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 200 32 136 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 200 32 136 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 215 32 129 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 215 32 129 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 230 32 123 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 230 32 123 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 160 32 :55 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 170 32 :52 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Delibes Coppelia: Festival Dance 2/4 205 32 :43 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Coulante. Fleur de Farine real Variation 2 6/8 (2/4) 121 32 :44 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 121 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 143 32 :40 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 133 32 :40 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Tchaik Theme&Variations adagio 2x 27bpm 27 64