
Composer (Genre) Title Meter Temposort descending Bars Length Exercise Rhythm
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 100 16 :48 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 2x 4/4 100 32 1:26 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 110 16 :43 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 2x 4/4 110 32 1:18 Grand battement March
Tchaikowski Military March 4/4 (12/8) 120 16 :36 Grand battement March
Beethoven (Daiku) Ode to Joy (Swingin') 4/4 120 32 1:12 Degage & Frappe March
Adam Giselle: Peasant Pas Men's Variation 4/4 (12/8) 132 16 :33 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 2x 4/4 132 32 1:05 Grand battement March
Sousa the Liberty Bell 4/4 (12/8) 132 32 1:05 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 132 16 :38 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 105 16 :43 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 105 32 1:21 Grand battement March
Sousa Riders for the Flag 4/4 118 32 1:10 Grand battement March
Glazunov Raymonda: Men's Variation III 4/4 (12/8) 63 16 :33 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 127 16 :36 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 127 16 :35 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 127 32 1:06 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 140 32 1:01 Degage & Frappe March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 140 16 :33 Degage & Frappe March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 114 16 :40 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 114 32 1:13 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 125 16 :38 Grand battement March
Beethoven (Daiku) Ode to Joy (Boogie Woogie) 4/4 158 32 :58 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 2x 4/4 143 32 1:00 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 143 16 :35 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 2x 4/4 123 32 1:09 Grand battement March