Composer (Genre) Title Meter Temposort descending Bars Length Exercise Rhythm
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 45 16 1:36 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Dalby Easter Sunday 4/4 45 16 1:37 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 60 16 :44 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 70 16 1:01 3/4 Tendu Moderato 6/8
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 70 16 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 80 16 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 90 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 100 16 :48 Grand battement March
Joplin (Ragtime) the Easy Winners 4/4 100 16 :42 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Rag
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 100 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 110 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 110 16 :43 Grand battement March
Dalby (Russian Songs) Little Onions 2/4 111 16 :45 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Fille Mal Garde 2/4 120 16 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 120 16 :41 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski Military March 4/4 (12/8) 120 16 :36 Grand battement March
Minkus le Corsaire: Coda 4/4 132 16 :32 Degage & Frappe, 4/4 Grand Allegro (Coda) Coda
Adam Giselle: Peasant Pas Men's Variation 4/4 (12/8) 132 16 :33 Grand battement March
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 132 16 :38 Grand battement March
Gottschalk Tarantella 6/8 (2/4) 132 16 :33 Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 105 16 :43 Grand battement March
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation 2 2/4 105 16 :40 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) Row, Row, Row your Boat 4/4 (12/8) 128 16 :37 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
(Children's Class) Row, Row, Row your Boat 4/4 (12/8) 169 16 :28 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 102 16 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Children's Class) Yankee Doodle 4/4 102 16 :49 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 85 16 :51 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) The Gallows Glass 6/8 (2/4) 92 16 :47 Leg Swing, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 69 16 :40 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Bizet Carmen: This Flower that Once to Me You Gave 4/4 69 16 1:03 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 63 16 1:08 3/4 Tendu Moderato 6/8
Glazunov Raymonda: Men's Variation III 4/4 (12/8) 63 16 :33 Grand battement March
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 48 16 1:29 Rond de Jambe a terre Moderato 6/8
Glazunov Raymonda: pas Classique Hongrois 4/4 40 16 1:41 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 40 16 1:48 Plie, Rond de Jambe a terre, 3/4 Adagio Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
Delibes Mazurka act 1 3/4 (9/8) 44 16 :28 Mazurka Mazurka
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 155 16 :32 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
(Children's Class) Frere Jacques 4/4 65 16 :41 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 65 16 1:10 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Daniel O'Daly 3/4 39 16 :30 Rond de Jambe en l'air Moderato Waltz
(Children's Class) Frere Jacques 4/4 82 16 :32 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) Frere Jacques 4/4 72 16 :37 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Bach Goldberg Variation 18 4/4 72 16 :55 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme ("First Variation") 4/4 42 16 1:36 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Glazunov Raymonda: Adagio 3/4 "Scene Mimique" 4/4 (12/8) 34 16 2:02 Rond de Jambe a terre, Rond de Jambe en l'air, 3/4 Adagio, Little Jump Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
(Russian Songs) The Blizzard Outside 2/4 75 16 :57 4/4 Tendu Moderato 4/4
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 75 16 1:00 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 58 16 1:14 3/4 Tendu Moderato 6/8
Schubert Ecossaise in E 2/4 77 16 :35 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) Yankee Doodle 4/4 130 16 :40 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) Four and Twenty Blackbirds 4/4 (12/8) 130 16 :37 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 127 16 :35 Grand battement March
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 127 16 :36 Grand battement March
Passage-Pleyel 2/4 (6/8) in F 6/8 (2/4) 127 16 :36 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 140 16 :35 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 140 16 :33 Degage & Frappe March
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 140 16 2:03 Degage & Frappe Rag
(Children's Class) Row, Row, Row your Boat 4/4 (12/8) 140 16 :34 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Gigue for Jenny 6/8 (2/4) 96 16 :21 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Joplin (Ragtime) Elite Syncopations 4/4 86 16 :47 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Rag
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 84 16 :54 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Paddy's Resource 6/8 (2/4) 84 16 :48 Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Sousa Semper Fidelis 4/4 114 16 :40 Grand battement March
(Children's Class) Yankee Doodle 4/4 114 16 :43 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 125 16 :38 Grand battement March
Glazunov Raymonda: pas Classique Hongrois 4/4 31 16 2:13 4/4 Adagio Adagio 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Leather Buttons and The Reconciliation 4/4 116 16 :36 Degage & Frappe Reel
(Russian Songs) Our Tender Love 6/8 (2/4) 53 16 1:21 3/4 Tendu Moderato 6/8
(Celtic and Gaelic) the Garry Owen 6/8 (2/4) 117 16 :35 Degage & Frappe, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Delibes Mazurka act 1 3/4 (9/8) 55 16 :23 Mazurka Mazurka
Delibes Coppelia 139bpm light 3/4 (9/8) 139 16
Czerny C study: 6/8 6/8 (2/4) 78 16 :51 4/4 Tendu, Quick 3/4 Jigs and Quick 6/8
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 107 16 :41 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 94 16 :48 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) How Paddy got Fooled 6/8 (2/4) 94 16 :49 Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Foster, Stephen Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair 4/4 71 16 1:03 4/4 Tendu, 4/4 Adagio Moderato 4/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Smash the Windows 6/8 (2/4) 103 16 :43 Degage & Frappe Jigs and Quick 6/8
Delibes Mazurka act 1 3/4 (9/8) 50 16 :25 Mazurka Mazurka
(Celtic and Gaelic) The Gallows Glass 6/8 (2/4) 74 16 :34 Leg Swing Quick 3/4
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 97 16 :45 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Children's Class) Frere Jacques 4/4 93 16 :29 Degage & Frappe Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 93 16 :47 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Leather Buttons and The Reconciliation 4/4 93 16 :42 Degage & Frappe Reel
Adam Myrta's 3rd dance 3/4 76 16 :29 Leg Swing, 3/4 Grand Allegro (Waltz) Big Waltz
(Children's Class) Four and Twenty Blackbirds 4/4 (12/8) 145 16 :33 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Moderato 4/4
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 164 16 :30 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 164 16 1:45 Degage & Frappe Reel
(Children's Class) I'm a Little Teapot 4/4 (12/8) 177 16 :28 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 180 16 1:36 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Children's Class) Row, Row, Row your Boat 4/4 (12/8) 162 16 :29 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
(Children's Class) Row, Row, Row your Boat 4/4 (12/8) 151 16 :31 Degage & Frappe Moderato 4/4
Grainger, Percy Country Gardens 4/4 143 16 :35 Grand battement March